Voluntary masking update
Riverdale Community Midwives has adopted a voluntary masking policy within our clinic. Any client may request that their midwife wear a mask while providing care.
If you decide to wear a mask, your midwife will follow suit. Consider your health status, stay home, and request a virtual visit or reschedule if you feel unwell.
In June 2022 the Ontario government ended mask mandates and placed masking and safety responsibilities in the hands of health-care facilities.
Masking requirements are subject to change depending on virus activity in the hospital and community, with the possibility that masking in all clinical areas may be required again if COVID-19 transmission increases in the autumn.
Updates will become available as needed.
June 29, 2023
Clinic Visits
We now welcome one partner or support person to attend your appointment.
Cough, fever or breathing problems?
If you have any of these symptoms:
- fever (temperature over 37.8°C)
- new or worsening cough
- difficulty breathing
- sore throat
- difficulty swallowing
- loss of taste or smell
- upset stomach with new or worsening nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
- runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion without a reason for these symptoms such as seasonal allergies
Do not come to the clinic, page your midwife, and call Public Health Ontario at 1.866.797.0000.