Midwife-Led Prenatal Classes: Empowering Expectant Parents
Please join us for an engaging 4-week class series all about labour, birth and the early postpartum period with your newborn. Our classes offer a flexible learning journey, tailored for expectant parents via interactive Zoom groups. Classes are from 6:30pm to 9:00pm and alternate monthly between Monday and Wednesday evenings. Bring your support person, your dinner, your dog - all are welcome!
$175 per couple / birth person + support person
Payments are typically made by e-transfer.
When to call the midwife
- The journey begins: a mindful approach to early labour
- How will I know I'm in active labour?
The anatomy and physiology of birth
- The stages of labour
- The hormones of labour
- Labour progress
- The baby’s journey
Your labour and birth
What would it be like to look forward to the journey of your birth?
- Fear of birth
- Your birth environment
- The hormones of birth: your trusted ally
- Breathing
- Visualization
- Sound
- Freedom of movement
- Water birth
- The beauty of one-on-one support
- The body-mind connection
- Choice of birthplace: Home, hospital, Toronto Birth Centre interventions
- Comfort measures & pain management
- Empowering partners & labour support
- The first 3 hours after birth
- The first 24 hours and the first week
- Newborn care
- Newborn sleep
- Breastfeeding 101
- Physical and mental self-care after giving birth
- When to page the midwife
Banner image © Heather Bays Photography